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Articles of the Global Alliance for Trade in Services

Chapter I General

Article 1 Name: Global Alliance for Trade in Services (GATIS).

Article 2 GATIS is an international, industrial and non-profit social organization voluntarily formed by trade/industry associations, companies, professional institutions or organizations from various countries and regions around the world.

Article 3 Purposes of GATIS: To promote exchange and cooperation on international trade in services, cultivate new business models and trade forms in the service industry, optimize standards and regulations for trade in services, and promote the open, innovative and integrated development of the service industry and trade in services. GATIS abides by the state constitution, laws, regulations and national policies and social morality of the country where GATIS is registered.

Article 4 GATIS is under the professional guidance, supervision and management of the business competent department (the Ministry of Commerce) and the social organization registration and management authority (the Ministry of Civil Affairs).

Article 5 GATIS is based in Beijing, China.

Chapter II Business Scope

Article 6 Business scope of GATIS:

(I) to build a platform for exchange and cooperation on international trade in services to promote experience sharing and business cooperation;

(II) to build an exhibition platform for new business models and trade forms, and lead the innovative development of service business and trade in services;

(III) to build a platform for the regulated development of the industry and improve standards and rules for trade in services;

(IV) to strengthen research on international trade in services to provide policy advisory services;

(V) to undertake other assignments entrusted by members of GATIS.

Chapter III Members

Article 7 Member type of GATIS: organizational members.

Article 8 Those who apply to join GATIS shall meet the following conditions:

(I) supporting the Articles of GATIS;

(II) having the intention to join GATIS;

(III) boasting a certain influence in the industries engaged in by GATIS;

Article 9 Procedures to join GATIS:

(I) submission of the membership application form;

(II) approval by the Council after discussion;

(III) issuance of the membership card by the Council or an institution authorized by the Council.

Article 10 Members shall enjoy the following rights:

(I) right to elect, be elected and vote in GATIS;

(II) right to participate in activities of GATIS;

(III) priority of accessing services of GATIS;

(IV) right to criticize, advise on and supervise the work of GATIS;

(V) right to join GATIS voluntarily and freely.

Article 11 Members shall fulfill the following obligations:

(I) to abide by the Articles of GATIS and execute resolutions of GATIS;

(II) to maintain the legal rights and interests of GATIS;

(III) to complete the work assigned by GATIS;

(IV) to pay the membership fees as stipulated;

(V) to report matters to and provide relevant materials for GATIS.

Article 12 The withdrawal from GATIS shall be made in writing to GATIS and the membership card shall be returned. Members not paying membership fees or participating in activities of GATIS for over 1 year are deemed withdrawing from GATIS automatically.

Article 13 Any member who commits serious violations of the Articles of GATIS shall be removed from GATIS following a Council vote.

Chapter IV Bodies of GATIS and Appointment and Dismissal of Their Principals

Article 14 The supreme authority of GATIS is the General Assembly. The functions and powers of the General Assembly are as follows:

(I) formulate and modify the Articles of GATIS;

(II) elect and dismiss Council members;

(III) review the reporting work and financial reports of the Council;

(IV) formulate and modify membership fee standards;

(V) decide on termination matters;

(VI) determine other major issues.

Article 15 The General Assembly shall be convened only when more than 2/3 of GATIS members are present, and its resolutions shall take effect upon approval by more than half of the members present.

Article 16 The General Assembly shall be convened every four years.

Article 17 The Council, executing agency of the General Assembly, leads GATIS to carry out routine work during the adjournment period of the General Assembly, and is responsible to the General Assembly.

Article 18 Functions and powers of the Council:

(I) implement resolutions of the General Assembly;

(II) elect and dismiss the President, Vice President and Secretary General;

(III) prepare for and convene the General Assembly;

(IV) report work performance and financial status to the General Assembly;

(V) determine the enrollment and removal of members;

(VI) determine the establishment, change and cancellation of working bodies, branches, representative agencies and entities;

(VII) decide the recruitment of Deputy Secretary General and principals of the bodies and entities;

(VIII) lead the work of GATIS’s institutions;

(IX) formulate an internal management system;

(X) decide other substantial matters.

Article 19 A Council meeting shall be convened only when more than 2/3 of the Council members are present, and its resolutions shall take effect only if it is approved by more than 2/3 of the Council members present.

Article 20 The Council shall hold a meeting at least once a year. In special circumstances, the meeting may be held by some form of communication.

Article 21 The President, Vice President and Secretary General of GATIS shall satisfy the following requirements:

(I) having a great influence in the business field of GATIS;

(II) the maximum official age of the President, Vice President and Secretary General shall be no more than 70 years old, and the Secretary General shall be a full-time staff member;

(III) being healthy and capable of regular work;

(IV) having never been inflicted of such criminal penalties as deprivation of political rights;

(V) having full capacity for civil conduct.

Article 22 In case that the President, Vice President or Secretary General of GATIS is beyond the upper age limit, he or she is subject to a Council vote, and shall be reported to the business competent department for review and approved by the social organization registration and management authority before taking office.

Article 23 The President, Vice President and Secretary General of GATIS shall be appointed for a term of four years and serve at most for two terms. The extension of the term due to special circumstances is subject to a vote and approval by over 2/3 of the members of the General Assembly, and submission to the business competent department for review. The term extension could take effect after being approved by the social organization registration and management authority.

Article 24 The President is the Legal Representative of GATIS.

In special cases, the Vice President or the Secretary General could act as the Legal Representative with the delegation by the President and approval by the Council, subject to submission to the business competent department and approval by the social organization registration and management authority.

The Legal Representative shall represent GATIS for signing important documents.

The Legal Representative of GATIS shall not concurrently act as another organization’s legal representative.

Article 25 The President of GATIS shall exercise the following functions and powers:

(I) convene and preside over meetings of the Council;

(II) examine the implementation of the resolutions of the General Assembly and Council.

Article 26 The Secretary General of GATIS shall exercise the following functions and powers:

(I) lead the working bodies to carry out routine work, and organize the implementation of the annual working plans;

(II) coordinate the branches, representative agencies and entities to carry out work;

(III) nominate the Deputy Secretary General and principals of the bodies and entities and then submit to the Council for decision;

(IV) propose the recruitment of full-time members for the working bodies, representative agencies and entities for decision by the Council;

(V) handle other daily routines.

Chapter V Principles of Asset Management and Use

Article 27 Source of funds for GATIS:

(I) membership fees;

(II) donations;

(III) government funding;

(IV) revenues from activities or services within the approved business scope;

(V) interest incomes;

(VI) other legitimate incomes.

Article 28 GATIS shall collect membership fees in accordance with relevant national regulations.

Article 29 The funds of GATIS shall be used for activities and causes stipulated in the Articles, and shall not be divided among the members.

Article 30 GATIS shall set up a strict financial management system to guarantee that the accounting data are legal, authentic, accurate and complete.

Article 31 GATIS shall be provided with professionally qualified accountants, who shall not hold the post of cashier concurrently. Accountants are responsible for the financial accounting and accounting supervision. In case that an accountant is transferred or leaves office, he or she must complete the handover procedures with the person taking over.

Article 32 The assets of GATIS shall be managed pursuant to the national financial management system, subject to the supervision by the General Assembly and the financial department. Assets, raised from state appropriation or social donation, shall be supervised by the auditing body, and the relevant circumstances shall be disclosed to the public in an appropriate manner.

Article 33 GATIS, before a change in office or replacement of legal representatives, shall accept the financial audit arranged by the social organization registration and management authority and the business competent department.

Article 34 Any organization or individual is forbidden to occupy, privately divide and embezzle the assets of GATIS.

Article 35 Salaries, insurances and benefits of full-time members of GATIS are to be paid or bought according to relevant national regulations for public institutions.

Chapter VI Procedures to Amend the Articles

Article 36 Amendment to the Articles of GATIS shall be reported to the General Assembly for consideration after being voted on by the Council.

Article 37 Amendment to the Articles by GATIS shall be reported to the business competent department for review within 15 days after the approval by the General Assembly, and shall be effective upon approval by the social organization registration and management authority of GATIS.

Chapter VII Termination Procedures and Asset Disposal after Termination

Article 38 In case of the dissolution of GATIS after fulfilling its purposes, dissolution by itself or cancellation due to division or merger, a motion for termination shall be proposed by the Council.

Article 39 The proposed motion for termination of GATIS shall be approved by the General Assembly by vote and submitted to the business competent department approval.

Article 40 Before the termination of GATIS, a liquidation organization shall be established under the guidance of the business competent department and relevant authorities to clear claims and debts and handle the aftermath. During the liquidation, no activities other than liquidation shall be carried out.

Article 41 GATIS shall be terminated after the social organization registration and management authority has gone through the cancellation registration procedures.

Article 42 After the termination of GATIS, the residual assets shall not be occupied and privately divided but shall be used for the development of causes related to the purposes of GATIS under the supervision of the business competent department and the social organization registration and management authority and in accordance with relevant national regulations.

Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions

Article 43 The Articles were voted on and approved by the General Assembly on 4/25/2022.

Article 44 The Council of GATIS reserves the right to interpret the Articles.

Article 45 The Articles shall come into force as of the date of approval by the social organization registration and management authority.