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Initiative of the Global Alliance for Trade in Services

In a complicated world economic situation, as an International, industrial, non-profit social organizations upholding the principles of “neutrality, openness, inclusiveness and innovation”, the Global Alliance for Trade in Services aims to coordinate global enterprises engaged in trade in services, trade associations, professional institutions and other trade organizations to promote international exchange and cooperation on and liberation and facilitation of trade in services, share development opportunities, and jointly explore for sustainable development paths and face up to challenges, thus to contribute to a stable and prosperous global economy and the fulfillment of the 2030 sustainable development goals set by the United Nations.

We hereby launch the following initiatives:

I. To Promote International Exchange and Cooperation

To cultivate multi-layered partnerships, build global platforms, provide public service products, promote international exchange, encourage cooperation on trade in services and industry cooperation, pay close attention to the trends of and issues in global trade in services, and timely provide countermeasures.

II. To Drive the Opening-up of Trade-in-Service Markets

To advocate liberation and facilitation of global trade in services, support the policy dialogue between GATIS members and host countries, between GATIS members, and between GATIS members and non-members, assist countries and regions concerned in further opening up the service industry, reduce the access barrier to trade in services, relax behind-the-border controls, and encourage the healthy cross-border flow of all kinds of factors.

III. To Improve Global Rules on Trade in Services

To support and maintain multilateral trade systems, drive to set trade-in-service rules and standards, improve multilateral, bilateral and regional rules, and coordinate to settle disputes between member enterprises to reduce conflicts of interest.

IV. To Accelerate the Digitalization Process of Trade in Service

To support to accelerate the integration of digital technologies and trade in services, encourage new business models and trade forms in the digitalization process, explore for digital trade governance mechanisms, help facilitate the secure and orderly data flow across borders, and remove digital divides and barriers step by step.

V. To Advocate Low-Carbon, Environmental Development

To promote innovation, application and trade of low-carbon, environmental technologies, create conditions for fast development of trade in services for the purposes of energy conservation, emission reduction and environmental protection, and facilitate the building of a green, low-carbon and circular industry system and the formation of whole-life-cycle green industry chains and supply chains, thus to contribute to the fulfillment of the “peak carbon dioxide emissions” and “carbon neutrality” goals.

VI. To Pay Attention to Public Health

To pay attention to global public health issues, encourage technological innovation, international cooperation and trade in services for global COVID-19 response and other issues, remove barriers and join forces to face up to major public health crises.

VII. To Support Inclusive Development for All

To promote the mutually benefiting cooperation among all sides in the field of trade in services, assist developing countries, particularly the least developed countries and regions, in trade in services, support small and medium-sized enterprises to join global supply chains, and make trade in services accessible to more women, disabled people and children.

VIII. To Optimize International Business Environment

To pay attention to industry ecosystem and conditions for enterprises’ development, and report unfair treatments and difficulties suffered by GATIS members, thus contributing to an open, fair, impartial, transparent and predicable business environment for trade in services; to encourage innovative development by enterprises and promote intellectual property transfer, application and protection.

IX. To Build Capacities of Talent Development for Trade in Services

To facilitate cross-border cooperation and flow of global professional talents, support countries around the world to develop talents and talent reserves at all levels, and assist developing countries and regions in building talent development capacities to ensure talent sources for industry innovation and development.

We would respond to demands of our members, provide member enterprises with investment policy consultation and project docking services, develop international business potential and contribute to sustainable and fast development of global trade in services by setting up specialized committees, overseas and domestic representative offices, building think tank networks, organizing major exhibitions, annual conferences, forums and dialogues, and releasing research reports.